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The Network of Accredited Clinical Skills Centres in Europe (NASCE) is established as a Multidisciplinary Joint Committee (MJC) of the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS) and follows UEMS statutes, rules and directives. It is open to members of any Section of the UEMS wishing to participate. The Sections are participating in the MJC as equal partners.


The Multidisciplinary Joint Committee manages the interests of NASCE and promotes individual, inter-professional and multidisciplinary clinical skills education. The primary aim is to certify the highest standards of education for surgeons, physicians and other learners in order to promote patient safety. In addition to that the MJC aims to advance the science of clinical education, training, and assessment.

ARB - Accreditation Review Board

The purpose of the ARB is to review the data and information submitted in the application, and coordinate the Site Surveyors and resultant data. This information determines the level of compliance a participating Institution achieves for each criterion of the accreditation standards. The Accreditation Review Board will make the overall accreditation recommendation to council, determining whether or not an institution that submits an application meets the criteria for accreditation at the specified level.